Favorite Words

One of the most romantic lyrics and sure it will be on my wedding day :P

Thinking Out Loud

When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me—I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still love me the same

'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

But, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

So, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are
Oh, baby, we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are

Daily Chat

A: Kamu yakin ga bakal mati aku pinjem kameranya 1 minggu ke Jepang?
H: Gapapa, pake aja.
A: Yakin ni? tar mati kan gawat.
H: Kalaupun nanti sampe mati, asal kamu tau ya, bukan gara-gara kamera, tapi gara-gara kamu pergi kelamaan.
A: hahahaha

Daily Chat

adalah satu dari sedikit hal
yang aku pengen banget.

My 2013

2013 mungkin bukan tahun terbaik gw.

2013 gw rasa gw sedikit buang waktu di tahun ini.

2013 gw pikir gw harusnya bisa hidup lebih baik di tahun ini.

2013 gw terlalu banyak buang waktu gw untuk berpikir, berpikir terlalu keras sampai ketinggalan waktu. 

2013 gw merasa kurang berguna. Ada tersirat sedikit rasa menyesal, karena tidak memanfaatkan waktu yang ada.

2013 manajemen waktu gw sangat kacau. Setidaknya buat gw.

2013 gw merasa gw tidak hidup maksimal seperti tahun-tahun lalu atau mungkin tidak se-drama tahun lalu? bisa jadi juga.

Tapi ...

Walaupun tidak banyak kejadian mengagumkan di tahun 2013, ada beberapa hal yang tidak akan terjadi kalau bukan campur tangan Tuhan :)

:: Tahu ga, bokap gw sudah mau ke gereja tahun 2013? iya, gw pun tercengang ketika dengar ini dari nyokap. Tercengang tidak percaya campur senang. Sudah mau ikut ibadah keluarga besar, benar-benar ikut doa kalo kita doa (biasanya cuma gaya aja hehehe). Akhirnya.

:: Akhirnya gw bisa dapat apa yang gw mau dari 2 tahun lalu, walaupun cuma sampai situ, ga kemana-mana lagi. Cuma, kalau bukan kerjaan Dia, ga mungkin bisa.

:: Akhirnya gw bisa kerja di kantor yang liburannya banyak, kerjanya memang ga santai, tapi ya liburannya banyak, jam kerja tetap, no over-time, ketemu anak kecil tiap hari.

:: Tahun ini juga gw bisa melakukan keinginan tiap tahun gw: at least once a year visit the place you've never been to.

:: Berat badan normal! pipi agak tirus (baca: makin cantik)

:: Akhirnya dengan segala kekuatan, membuang segala gengsi dan kekerasan hati, gw bisa bilang "I love you" ke bokap :) okay, akan berusaha terus untuk bisa bilang ini regularly.

2014, please let me be the best version of Agnes Paredandan.


forgiveness is this:
when you say

"I forgive you, i will never use it to against you in the future,
i will never speak of it again to you or to anyone else"



"Sudah bukan waktunya lagi kita belajar membedakan yang BAIK dan yang TIDAK BAIK.  
Saatnya kita tahu membedakan yang BAIK DAN BENAR.
Karena yang BAIK, belum tentu BENAR.
dan kadang-kadang yang BAIK bisa menjadi musuh dari yang BENAR."

Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat

Live The Life You Can Afford

"Live The Life You Can Afford"

Pas baca quote di atas, gw langsung teringat teman gw. Waktu itu dia cerita keuangan keluarga dia yang sedang dalam kondisi tidak baik, banyak hutang dan sebagainya, pokoknya sedang susah kondisi keuangannya, jadi dia mesti hemat-hemat. Lalu gw dapati dia baru beli polo-shirt dengan harga di atas 1 juta rupiah. Bukan, bukannya dia bohong kalo keluarga lagi susah, karena gw tahu pasti memang benar keluarganya lagi susah. Hal ini tentu membuat gw berpikir, "kok bisa lagi keadaan kaya gitu, dia malah beli baju dengan harga segitu?" / "kok bisa tetep beli baju mahal kalo keadaan keuangan keluarga lagi gak baik?"

Hal-hal seperti di atas, belakangan ini sering kepikiran sama gw. Kenapa? karena sering gw lihat orang-orang disekitar gw, dengan umur 22-25 tahun, gaji kurang lebih 5 jutaan/bulan, bisa nge-gym, bisa sering makan di restoran, gadget terbaru, nongkrong, rokok, naik mobil ke mana-mana (bensinnya), beli branded stuffs, liburan tiap tahun dan sebagainya. Melihat itu membuat gw berpikir, "can they really afford the lifestyle they lived?". Maksud gw, udah umur 22 tahun harusnya, mereka sudah tidak bergantung lagi dengan uang dari orang tua, dengan gaji sebesar itu dan gaya hidup seperti itu, apakah mereka masih menyisihkan uang untuk menabung/investasi? Menurut perhitungan gw sih (kalau tidak punya pekerjaan sampingan), ya bisa memang, tapi sisanya sedikit untuk menabung/investasi. Lalu kalau ada hal-hal tak terduga, biayanya gimana?

atau contoh lain yang ditulis @mrshananto, pembantu dia, gajinya 20 ribu/hari, bisa kasi uang jajan ke anaknya 10 ribu/hari, dengan alasan, nanti anaknya nangis.

contoh lain lagi dari @mrshananto, ada seorang ibu, punya anak 2: SD dan TK, bisa liburan 2x setahun ke luar negeri, dan sekarang ingin beli mobil baru. Gaji dia perbulan memang besar, tapi gak sebanding dengan pengeluarannya. Ketika ditanya punya tabungan berapa? ada 5 juta + 40 juta deposito.
"Sweetie…dengan lo mencairkan deposito pun, utang kartu kredit lo belum ketutup lho! Terus bayar TK nya si adik tahun depan dari mana? KTA belum lunas. Terus beli mobil mau bayar pake apa?”
"how long has this been going on? 2 years?”
“More… 9 years Win… "
“You cannot afford this!”

My point is, let us be honest to ourself, did we live the life we can afford? apakah benar gw mampu untuk punya gadget terbaru? apakah gw mampu untuk rokok 1 bungkus/hari? apakah gw mampu untuk beli tas ini? apakah gw mampu untuk beli 1 baju/perbulan demi kebutuhan penampilan? apakah gw mampu untuk gym di sini? apakah gw mampu untuk 1 gelas kopi di Starbucks setiap hari? apakah gw mampu untuk lifestyle seperti ini? apakah dengan gaya hidup seperti ini terus gw masi bisa nabung untuk investasi masa depan? Jangan-jangan gara-gara gengsi atau terbiasa hidup enak sebelumnya lalu kita lupa hal ini. 

Let us be honest to our self, can we really afford the life we lived now? #selfreminder Think twice before spending.

The Bucket List

One day, if you die, what do you want others remember about you? If you ask me, I'll say, I want to die if I have accomplished my purpose here in this life, I don't care when it will come, It can be 5 years from now, It can be 20 years later, as long as I have accomplished what God wants me to do, I am ready.

Most people rush in life, not gaining much and leaving no marks. Life is short and the world goes on without you, even when you're gone. However, you have a mission in life; what is most important is that you choose to find out and move towards the answers.

Oxford Dictionary
For me, the bucket list is tons of random things I want to do in my life, even the most naive things. I believe everyone has this list in their head, write them, so you know where you are now and what you have to do. So here is what I want to do during my only precious life (some of them are accomplished):

1. Have my picture/my story published in newspaper
2. Eat snow
3. Go to America
4. Sit under the cherry blossom in Japan
5. Say "I love you" to Dad
6. Own a property
7. Kiss my lifetime partner on new year's eve in Sydney
8. Have a library at home
9. Go to Gili Trawangan
10. Have a longlife friendship
11. Own a Mini Cooper
12. Ride halilintar at Dufan
13. Save a life
14. Be guest on TV show
15. Be on the top of Mahameru
16. Learn to swim
17. Have a pixie hairstyle
18. Go to Japan
19. Go on helicopter ride
20. Be a volunteer to outside Java
21. Shake hands with president
22. Do a bungee jumping (seriously ness? err..yes)
23. Participate a running race
24. Make a time capsule with best friends
25. Stay in an igloo
26. Donate something to needy kids
27. See an eclipse
28. Win a quiz
29. Speak in front of 10.000 people
30. Attend my sunday school student's wedding
31. Go on spontaneous trip
32. Own a boutique
33. Have a blog with millon readers
34. Give a CPR to someone and it worked
35. Play giutar
36. Be on 43kg
38. Read the whole bible
39. Learn pole dancing
40. Fire a gun
41. Get drunk
42. Die with big smile on my face
43. Visit a castle
44. Have a meaningful conversation with stranger
45. Eat alone in a fancy restaurant
46. Buy a diamond for myself
47. Own a garden
48. Go on Hot Air Balloon in Cappadocia
49. Sew something wearable
50. Go on a cruise
51. Always think before speak
52. Walk my talk
53. Blood donors
54. Find something that I never give up on
55. Get hypnotized
56. Inspire people
57. Spend a whole day by myself
58. Own a worldwide company
59. Sail a yatch
60. Drive a bus/truck
61. Dance in the rain
62. Eat McD/KFC chicken without guilty feeling
63. Wake up peacefully at 6AM in the morning
64. Fast for a month
65. Go on a trip alone
66. Wear bikini confidently :p
67. Donate an organ when I die
68. Make a business with sister or brothers
69. Be a wife
70. Receive a fan letter
71. Have a family picnic
72. Go on a mission trip
73. Visit Prague
74. Visit Santorini
75. Visit Disneyland
76. Try monkey brain cake/dessert
77. Be a survivor
78. Passionately kiss in the rain
79. Have sex in our own backyard
80. Go on a budget traveling with lifetime partner
81. Have a pair of Louboutin shoes
82. Have a Chanel bag
83. Solo traveling
84. Hear God's voice
85. Sleep under the stars
86. Teach something in a rural place
87. Bring my family to Europe
88. Live a faithfulness life till the end
89. Attend the independence ceremony at Istana Negara
90. Plant a tree
91. Delete my Facebook account
92. Be the cover of magazine
93. Hug a dog
94. Be at Shangri-La Hotel at Paris
95. Pick a fruit from the tree and make something
96. Lead someone to Christ
97. Do archery
98. Ride a horse well
99. Be the audience of The Oprah Winfrey Show
100. Meet Daniel Henney
101. Look 5 years younger than my real age
102. Try a make up class
103. Go to movies all by myself
104. Be a vegetarian
105. Be a great mom

Love VS Marriage

got this story from my friend's facebook, i wanna share this very good story:
from www.josevillaphoto.com
Story : "Difference in Love and Marriage"

A student asks a teacher, "What is love?"

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back.

But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."

The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wonders... may be there is a bigger one later.
Then he saw another bigger one... But may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him.
Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he start to realize that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted.

So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.

The teacher told him, "this is love... You keep looking for a better one, but when later you realise, you have already miss the person..."

"What is marriage then?" the student asked.

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick." The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfy, and come back to the teacher.

The teacher told him, "This time you bring back a corn. You look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get... This is marriage."

Keep Moving


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